How to do it


From the official website follow the Package Control installation.



Package Control

  • Press Ctrl + Shift + P


Install a plugin package from Package Control

Package Control
  • Followed by what you want to perform, in this case an installation
Install Package
  • Select Package Control : Install Package


This will open a list of available plugin packages.

  • Search for the plugin you want to install
  • Press Enter to launch the download and install processes


You may need to restart Sublime Text after the installation.


Most of the time the maintainer of the package left a post installation message : A file will open with some instructions after the installation.

Please take the time to read them, they always have critical informations about the package like the link to the documentation, the post installation processes, the usage or/and the known issues.

99.999999999… % of the time this will avoid you to waste your time and ask questions on forums or issue trackers that already have an answer.


Fuzzy searching

As the Control Panel uses, like other searching tools in Sublime Text, a fuzzy searching, you don’t have to enter the entire words or expressions to obtain the good result, as well as the order doesn’t matter.

You can type what follows and still see the good result appear :

install package
control install
pack inst
inst pack
pa in