Add Open Console 2 inside the current directory from the Right-Click menu

  • Create a file called OpenConsoleHere.reg
  • Copy Paste the following lines inside the OpenConsoleHere.reg file
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="Open Console Here"
@="Open Console Here"


This registry tweak will add an option called "Open Console Here" to your Right-Click menu.

  • Line 5 and 9 where you have
  • Replace the paths by your own. Be sure to point to your Console 2 launcher (*.exe file).
  • When it’s done Save the file
  • Double-Click on OpenConsoleHere.reg file to add your new functionalities.
  • Accept the warning message.


Now you should be able to open Console2 from everywhere in your system and it will open it in the current directory.