Minimal set up for Sublime Linter - Cppcheck


The following steps assume that you strictly followed the set up Cppcheck for Sublime Text section.

Open Sublime Linter preferences

  • Go the Preferences menu

    • Then Package Settings
    • Then Sublime Linter
    • Choose Settings - User
    • Locate the following lines
    "linters": {
        "cppcheck": {
            "@disable": true,
            "args": [],
            "enable": "style",
            "excludes": [],
            "std": []

Enable Sublime Linter - cppcheck

  • Replace true by false for the "@disable" parameter
  • You must have something like this
"@disable": false,

Specify a standard syntax to Sublime Linter - cppcheck

  • Add "c++11" for the "std" parameter
  • You must have something like this
"std": ["c++11"]


Now Sublime Linter - cppcheck has its minimal setup.

It must work at this point but if you want to be sure follow the testing process section